These textiles on loan -related to a trip - or an extra ordinary time or event - clothes, handkerchiefs, ribbons, woven baskets... not exceeding one meter wingspan - will be presented in the shop windows of the historic part of Clermont-Ferrand town, to create a discovery route. Eachof these textiles will be accompanied by a text telling her story, its particularites; its provenance...
How to submit your textile?
Send us on paper or by mail the following information:
- full name
- age
- postal address or email
- phone number
-short texte (not more one A4 sheet) explaining the reason for choosing this textile, what memory he evokes for you
- textile size
- some pictures of the proposed piece
By post: HS_Projets, 7 rue Pierre Termier, 69660 Collonges au Mont d'Or, FRANCE
By email:
For people who can not move, HS_Projets Association can meet them for an appointment ( not for long distance). For that, please contact by phone or email:
Thomas Leveugle
09 53 89 17 98
06 43 55 62 97
Caution: Do not send your textile now, but just a picture and a text.
A selection comittee composed of some Bagoin museum and HS-Projets association people and residents of Clermont-Ferrand and its region, will meet to selecte the most extra ordinary stories and textilesrelated to the most moving, funny, etc...
The selected textile list and their owners will be posted on this blog during the European Museum Night, Saturday, June the 15 th.